Wednesday, March 12, 2014


MEDITATE EVERY DAY- WHY?    There are 3 reasons.  Some of them from a health standpoint, others from an emotional/psychology standpoint, and, in my opinion most importantly, from a METAPHYSICAL standpoint.

Reason Number 1  -  It is generally accepted by the medical community that meditation reduces stress levels, which in turn, lowers high blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.  There are more benefits that I am not listing here.  So, for this point alone, we see ample reason to start meditating regularily (twice a day for 15 minutes seems to be the standard minimum - although once a day will still give you benefits).

Reason Number 2  -   The psychological profiles of meditators seem to "improve" compared with their personalities before starting this practice.  People generally become less uptight, more easy going, more accepting of others and life, less judgemental, more joyful, less aggressive, more peaceful, and tend to have a more positive outlook on life, one that involves sharing and helping others.  They seem very "stable" emotionally, which is good for everyone in the person's life. Their relationships tend to improve and life starts to be viewed differently, offering them more meaning and fulfillment as well. So, a significant mental/emotional "improvement", coupled with the health benefits mentioned above, presents a very strong case to "sacrifice" 15 to 30 minutes a day to take up meditation. I put sacrifice in quotation marks because as you get better at meditating, it becomes a blissful experience, not a boring mental exercise. However, in my view (I am a spiritual "junky" and if you are not "into" this stuff you may think me a bit weird), these two reasons are dwarfed in importance when we look at the third reason  - spiritual evolution.

Reason Number 3  -  The more you meditate sincerely, and with the goal of knowing yourself, your soul, God, Spirit or any label you put on that all-loving, omnipotent, omnipresent force, the more you will catch glimpses of this "other reality".  Glimpses will eventually change into regular experiences which will cultivate a "knowingness" that you are Spirit -  limitless, loving, creative, wise, and powerful.  The meaning of life (in general) and your life (specifically) will be made clear.  The passion to "awaken" others will rise in you, as well as the power to manifest various loving scenarios, overcoming all challenges to the expression of love, from your personal life to the whole planet.  You may discover that you are a sleeping angel - literally!

KNOW YOURSELF!     Jesus said it.  The Buddha said it.  The yogic saints said it. The ancient egyptians and greeks also said it. The best way to truly know yourself is to "go within" by meditating.  Do this and life becomes a Sacred Journey, a Grand Adventure. This is the Truth.


  1. I read somewhere that advanced meditators hardly ever get sick (like catch a cold or something). Do you think that's actually true?

  2. I`ve also read that a few times. It would make sense. If the body is responsive to the mind, and the mind has found a place of rock-like stability - totally under control, then it`s not going to corrupt the body (nearly as much as someone who doesn`t have the mind under control).

  3. can you suggest any books or websites on meditation?

    1. Two books that come to mind are: KUNDALINI TANTRA by Swami Sivananda and ADVANCED YOGA PRACTICES by Yogani (the website offers free meditation info - detailed and powerful / Cheers.

  4. Are the chakras just things we need to imagine, like concepts, or are they 'actual concrete things'?

  5. Chakras probably need to be imagined at first, visualized, and believed in. If a very basic breathing meditation (pranayama) is practised from the base of the spine (perineum) to the top of the head, one can make "pitstops" at the chakra points. Eventually, these stops will begin to be felt concretely. Then there will be no doubt that they are real energy centres and that your body is made of energy. it takes faith and determination. cheers.

  6. I've heard about Yoga style meditation, Buddhist meditation (mindfulness), Chinese Qi Gong, Christian mystical meditation (Edgar Cayce, Bruno Groening, etc.). Which do you find most beneficial / which do you recommend?
