Thursday, June 26, 2014

"When in Rome, DON'T do as the Romans!"

 We can seem to act in many ways like Romans (people not striving for higher consciousness), but from our deep, inner heart space we'll process life with AWARENESS and SOUL INTUITION. If enough of us do this, 'Rome' will be for the SPIRITUAL "ROAMERS." 

     Sometimes 'following' is the right thing to do, sometimes it's not.  If you can cultivate a relationship with yourSelf through meditation or other practices of stillness, your guidance system will sharpen enough to be relied upon, greatly reducing the amount of 'mistakes' you make along the path.

     Following someone can be a stepping stone in your evolution because your own Soul can easily use others to "get you to where you need to be at any particular moment".  On the other hand, many of us blindly follow without conciously knowing why (perhaps it seems safe, low-risk etc.)  Without access to higher guidance, we may go in a direction that is not in our best interests.
     At times, 'leading' will be in our best interests.  Making our own choices (often in opposition to the majority, and sometimes in opposition to common-sense) may take us on the road to "GREAT THINGS".  That is why the old phrase "KNOW YOURSELF", will never lose relevance, for it is the doorway to enhanced intuition and flawless guidance.